Mental states of happy and sad hold no
significant difference when observed with impartiality (samānattatā).
The recipe
for happiness is fairly easy, and one that even those who are not good in the
kitchen can put together and still achieve some great results.
begin with one large scoop of love for yourself, add in a good measure of
acceptance and goodwill, then sprinkle generously with equanimity. Combine all
the ingredients and place in your heart until all the ingredients have been
completely absorbed, then allow to permanently rest in
each breath.
I find happiness to actually be a very dangerous word, a moving
target that changes from minute to minute. While in this moment, some
additional income may seem to be what you would perceive as happiness, in the
next moment your health or the health of a loved one can make all the money in
the world seem completely irrelevant. This is not to say that it's bad to be
happy, only that "happy" is a most transitory adjective. And so long
as we can experience happiness without clinging to it we can greatly reduce any
associated suffering. The saying "happy with, happy without" comes to
mind. Conveying the ideology that mental states of happy and sad hold no
significant difference when observed with impartiality (samānattatā).

Being impartial is fundamental to maintaining a state of joy, a
more accurate way to describe this balanced view of happiness. The Pali word mudita conveys an even better perspective on this way
of life. While mudita is often
thought of as a meditative practice, on a deeper and more fundamental level it
lays out the prescription, or recipe, for living a joyful and peaceful life. It
is based not in some temporary state of excitement or happiness, but with a
core shift in our minds as to how we understand enduring tranquility. Our joy
is something that is shared, and does not belong to us individually or
personally, but in partnership with all living beings and hence all living
things. An understanding of the beauty of impermanence begins to unveil itself,
and we become grateful for the coming and going of all things including the
temporary states of happy or sad.
While many
people have the misconception of Buddhism as being based on suffering, it is
actually the clearer understanding of suffering that gives rise to a great
expanse of friendliness, compassion, and yes even a great deal of joy that is
available to each of us every day.
Just look
around at your family and friends, and observe the positive things that are
happening in their lives—babies being born, birthday celebrations, new jobs,
new homes—abundant health and wellness is all around us. These are all ours to
share and revel in. Without any selfishness or possession, these are reasons
for each of to smile.

If any of
us are to live healthy, happy, and fruitful lives, then we have to have a
recipe for success—one which is not dependent on anyone else and not subject to
the winds of change. Family, friends, money, and health will all come and go.
But equanimity, with impartiality and gratitude, allow us to live in joy each
and every moment. It's available always, and it's clearly a recipe for success.
The key is an awareness of yourself and everything around you. And by pausing
just for a moment, any of us can usually bring ourselves back to that
connectedness with all things—opening our ears to hear the birds singing,
looking out the window to see the gentle rain gracing the earth, observing the
billions of stars in the sky as they reside comfortably alongside the
brilliance of the moon, or watching the children playing in the street, riding
their bicycles and laughing for no reason. Or just listen softly to your heart
and feel the tender love of your dear ones who are with us now or have passed.
The entire
recipe for happiness is predicated on not just any breath, but this very breath
that we all are taking at this very moment—present, alive, and joyful, filled
with all that life has to offer.
Don't ever be fooled into thinking the last one or the next one
holds more for you, this is the one that matters. There is nothing to hold you
back from putting a huge smile on your face right now. So go ahead, walk
outside and share it with the world. You have the recipe, now get out there and
pass it on!