Deniz Karasahin, a designer, has created the first prototype
for a new kind of cast called the Osteoid. The hope is that the Osteoid will
revolutionize how we treat broken bones. Plus, his 3D-printed cast is way more
awesome looking than the standard cast. The holes in the cast also lead me to
believe that they probably smell way less terrible too. But that’s just a hunch
on my part. It looks pretty awesome too!

To make the cast, a scan is done of the patient’s arm, then
modeling software generates a cast and creates the holes. The cast also has an
ultrasound system called LIPUS, which stands for
Low-Intensity-Pulsed-Ultrasound-System. LIPUS increases the speed of healing
broken bones, which, if you’ve ever had a broken bone, is welcome news. And the
best part? The cast can be made in any color you want. Sweet!

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