When I’m not feeling well and your medicine cabinet just
doesn’t hold the right answer, what do I do? I consider heading out to the
local pharmacy but being as lazy as I am, I try to remember some home remedies
that my mom probably told me about. Or maybe I found them on Google. Anyway,
maybe these remedies sound silly, but if it means that I don’t have to change
out of my pyjamas and leave my house, I’m game (it doesn’t hurt that I also
save money). Check out these seemingly bizarre tricks that make use of things
that you probably already have in your house.
1. Toenail fungus? Listerine to the rescue!

Soak your feet in Listerine mouthwash for 15-20 minutes,
twice a day. Listerine contains antiseptic and disinfectant ingredients that
will help cure most toenail fungus.
2. Yogurt to get rid of bad breath!

Studies have shown that the bacteria in sugar-free yogurt
can help suppress the bacteria that causes bad breath. Score!
3. Got eczema? Try olive oil!

Rich in vitamin E, olive oil is an excellent skin
moisturizer. Try applying unrefined, extra virgin olive oil to your skin after
showering while you’re still damp. The oil will help seal in the moisture and
help soothe flair-ups.
4. Sugar to stop hiccups!

Need an excuse to eat a spoon full of sugar? Help yourself
to a teaspoon of dry sugar when you have the hiccups! It’s believed that the
sudden sweetness on the tongue overwhelms the nerve endings in your mouth and
stops the hiccups.
5. Stay alert with peppermint or cinnamon gum!

Studies have shown that chewing peppermint or cinnamon gum
increases awareness and reduces fatigue by up to 20%. The experiment’s test
subjects reported 30% increases awareness and 25% less frustration.
6. Duct tape away your warts!

What!? Yep… good ol’ duct tape seems to have an 85% success
rate at removing warts, versus the 60% success rate of cryotherapy. Apply duct
tape to the wart and leave it on for a week. Remove the tape, and use a pumice
stone to scour the affected area. Repeat the process until the wart is gone.
7. Bite a pencil to get rid of headaches!

Do you unconsciously clench your jaw? Because that can be
the reason for your headache, and holding a pencil between your teeth will
cause your jaw muscles to relax.
8. Vodka for stinky feet!

Soak a rag with vodka and then use it to wipe your feet.
Alcohol is an anti-septic that will help destroy odour-causing fungus and
9. Lemons and olives to help you deal with sea sickness!

Motion sickness causes you to produce excess saliva, which
can make you feel queasy. So once you start to feel sickness coming on, eat
olives or suck on a lemon. Lemons and olives contain tannins that give you that
dried out, puckering feeling.
10. You say tomato, I say goodbye acne.

Mash a small tomato into a pul and spread it on the acne,
letting it sit for an hour. Wash it off with water and pat the area dry. Do
this once a day, for a week. The tomatoes contain a lot of vitamin C and A,
antioxidants, and acidic content that can help treat minor skin ailments.
Via: www.metaspoon.com