Friday, February 26, 2016

10:54 PM
According to the research of Dr. Carol Ritberger — an internationally famous behavioral psychologist and author — there are four distinct personality types in the world, and each one has a special color.

But in order to establish whether you are a red, green, orange, or yellow, you must first answer 10 quick and easy questions. Though it might not seem like such a simple quiz would be accurate, these results are dead-on. I was shocked by my analysis.What’s so great about this test — as seen on The Dr. Oz Show — is that it’s not just a regular personality quiz. Based on the color you’re assigned, it can tell your disposition, strengths, weaknesses, and even your physical health!

What color is your personality? Do you agree with its description? Let us know in the comments below!

Please SHARE with friends and family so you can compare your results!