Bodies are weird, to say the least! When one joint starts aching, another lasting medical problem is suddenly resolved, and vice versa. Now when you feel the onset of a sore throat, get a stuffy nose or encounter any of these daily issues, give these helpful hacks a shot.
By applying pressure to certain places, keeping the mind
distracted and employing a number of other useful tactics, your body can
overcome even the most frustrating illnesses, worries and pains.
A Scratchy Throat
Hot tea is nice, and a salt water gargle can provide
temporary relief - but when we have a tickle in our throat, there's nothing
that seems to really quiet the urge to itch. Scott Schaffer, M.D., president of
an ear, nose, and throat specialty center, told Men's Health the secret behind
lasting throat relief. Doctor Schaffer says all you have to do is scratch your
ear! He explained, "When the nerves in the ear are stimulated, it creates
a reflex in the throat that can cause a muscle spasm. This spasm relieves the
tickle." Everyone in your home will thank you this upcoming cold and flu
Your Nerves
When the world has you stressed and you don't know how to
relax, splash a little cold water on your face! The combination of holding your
breath and feeling the ice-cold water on your skin tricks your brain into
employing the "mammalian diving reflex." This reflex forces your body
to use oxygen more efficiently, which in turn, calms you down. WebMD states
that the history behind water and stress relief is long and well-documented -
they explain that even simply drinking a cold glass of water can help you
"chill out." That means you don't have to ruin your mascara to give
this hack a chance!
Brave While Giving Blood
If the idea of a needle prick gives you the
"heebie-jeebies," try distracting yourself! When the nurse is just
about to insert the needle, let out a tiny cough. This will keep your mind off
of the procedure and any pain that the needle may cause! But be sure to warn
your nurse of your plan - you don't want an unexpected cough to complicate
things even further!
Even The Most Stuffy Of Noses
When sinus pressure has you down, alternate pressing your
tongue to the roof of your mouth and one finger against each of your eyebrows.
This force against your vomer bone with cause it rock back and forth, and will
loosen any mucus. You'll be able to enjoy a deep breath after about 20 seconds!
Phlegm is a now thing of the past.
The Chance Of Burn Scars
Instead of rushing for the ice pack after a nasty burn, try
pressing the pads of your fingers against the affected area gently. This will
bring your skin back to body temperature less rapidly, which will reduce the
risk of blisters appearing. Your skin will heal naturally and you'll be left
without a noticeable burn scar!
Make A
Toothache Disappear In Second
If you have sensitive teeth, this helpful trick will change
your life! When you start to feel the pain build, place an ice on the back of
your hand. You'll want to rub it back and forth on the webbed area between your
index finger and your thumb. This area is filled with nerve pathways that run
pain signals from the face and hands to the brain, and the cool temperatures
will block the messages they're trying to send!
Nervousness For Good
Does this sounds familiar? You're all dressed and ready for
your big date, but the butterflies in your stomach are all you can think about!
Now you can calm your nerves in seconds by blowing on your thumb. It may sound
strange, but doing so will regulate your breathing and will control your vagus
nerve, which helps slow your heart rate. Butterflies, be gone!
Get Rid
Of That Migraine Right Now
You don't need expensive and addictive pain medication to
treat your pounding migraine! Try the ancient technique of using pressure
points to relieve even the worst headache pain. According to LiveStrong, you'll
use your thumb and forefinger on one hand to apply pressure to the same webbed
area (between your other thumb and forefinger) on your other hand. Press and
hold for two minutes on each side, while rotating your fingers in a gentle,
circular motion - this will allow blood to flow out of your head and neck, and
will loosen any Ki, or "blocked energy."
Learn other ways to relieve your migraine with these
important pressure points!
Them A Shot
Now you have the tools to drastically improve your quality
of life - the only thing left to do is share them with your friends and loved
ones! Everyone can benefit from these important lifehacks.
Source: Lifeaspire