This is a simple quiz that has been making its way around
the internet, and supposedly it reveals enough about your personality that it
can help you predict your future.
Whether or not you are someone who believes in psychics,
horoscopes, or even Nostradamus’ predictions for the future, we think this fun
test is a great way to reveal a little more about your personality.
Just take a look at the eight doors below. Which one would
you most want to go through? Try not to overthink it — just go with your gut
reaction. Once you’ve chosen a door, keep reading to find out what your door
type reveals about you!
We’ve heard many people say that theirs was eerily on point.
It’ll be interesting to see if that’s true, so please SHARE and compare with
friends to see how accurate theirs is.
Pick which door you would like step through, then keep
scrolling down.

Once you’ve picked your door, remember your number and
scroll to find out your future.
Number One:

You are longing for the simpler things in life. You are
seeking quiet, solitude, and you enjoy large periods of time alone.
When you are in the company of others, you prefer it to be
homey — perhaps just with friends and close family. Your future is a happy one
because you know what you like. You enjoy authenticity and simplicity.
You are destined for a life free from the drama of others,
though be careful of getting too bored.
Number Two:

You are destined for additional wealth — but you know it’s
only if you put in the hard work.
By choosing the door with the stairs, you are inclined to
want to climb. You are seeking the nicer things in life, and you understand
that to get those things, you’ll just have to work hard and take it, literally,
step by step.
You’re not afraid to climb to the top. In fact, you find
pleasure in the journey up there!
Number Three:

You must be very cautious. You have an inclination to
venture into the unknown, and while your sense of adventure could eventually
pay off, you’re going to walk right by warning signs.
The fire hydrant is a symbol of the possibilities of danger,
but what’s on the other side of the door is anyone’s guess. If you have felt
the repercussions of taking too many risks lately, maybe it’s time to proceed
with a little more caution.
The number 26, hanging over the door, is an important number
for many Judeo-Christian people as it symbolizes God. Even though you’re taking
a risky path, and whether or not you believe, take comfort in knowing that
someone will watch out for you.
Number Four:

If you chose this door, you are prepared to go to battle.
Whether it’s a legal battle, a struggle for power, or you’re
looking for a promotion at work, you have taken the steps to prepare yourself,
and it will pay off. The red symbolizes power, as do the castle walls.
Not even iron and sharp edges will frighten you away from
claiming what is rightfully yours. You have been locked out from what you
wanted for too long, but now that you have crossed the moat, you’re ready take
the whole castle.
Number Five:

If you chose this door, don’t worry. Things are about to
quiet down.
You are seeking something comfortable and calm. Perhaps
you’ve been going through a rocky time professionally or personally. You are
seeking to be surrounded by those who will be loyal and love you
If times have been hard lately, find contentment in the fact
that you know what you want. Aim for people and activities that will be
consistent, and avoid those that will rock the boat.
Number Six:

I know you have been feeling burdened lately, but the good
news is that you have enough optimism to pull yourself through!
The dark times will soon be left behind you, but you have
just a little bit further to go. You haven’t reached “the light” yet, but it’s
in view. If a brighter future still seems too far away, you can’t give up yet.
Think of all that you’ve left behind you. The worst is
through, and as long as you keeping working, you find get the freedom you are
Number Seven:

Get ready for some chaos in your future — but it’s nothing
you can’t handle!
You’re almost more comfortable with not knowing what your
next step will be. You like to keep your options open and every door is a door
you’d like to step through. Things may come flying at you from all angles, so
prepare for some unexpected surprises, but that’s nothing new for you.
When that unexpected hurdle comes your way, just get ready
to open another door.
Number Eight:

You’re definitely the curious type, and while “curiosity”
might have killed the cat, your curiosity is going to pay off. There’s a big
gap between careless and curious, and you know the difference.
You know that it’s good to take unexpected risks, but you
have to have some idea of the repercussions.
This curiosity and sense of adventure is going to pay off.
You know that one thing you’ve been thinking of doing, but haven’t been sure if
it’s the right thing to do? Do it. There’s no time like the present to try it.
Via : The Minds Journal