Bread is the foundation of Western
diet. Hence, westerners combine bread with almost every meal, either at home or
in a restaurant. Globally speaking, bread accounts for 20% of the total
calories intake. It’s important to mention that bread needn’t be excluded from
your daily nutrition, but at least you should lower the intake. This is because
some amazing things happen with your body after you lower (or stop) the intake
of bread.

When you decrease the intake of
carbs, you will definitely lose weight. And you should know that it’s not the
fat that’s being eliminated, but the water deposits. Namely, experts claim that
when the body stores carbs in the form of glycogen, each gram of carbohydrate
stores three to four times its weight in water.
Carbohydrates are the brain’s source
of energy and this is why you feel tired after you stop consuming them,
especially as the glycogen stores lower and eventually deplete. When the body
uses up all the glycogen there is, it begins breaking down fat and runs off of
small carbon fragments or ketones. When this happens, you might experience bad
breath, dry mouth, fatigue, weakness, insomnia, dizziness, nausea, and brain
fog. But, don’t worry, after some period your body and mind will get used to
this change and you’ll no longer feel this way.
A recent study showed that
whole-grains intake plays a major role in the fiber supply. What’s more, the
study concluded that a staggering 92% of U.S. adults aren’t getting nearly as
much of these grains as they should. In fact, fibers are very important in
stabilizing the blood-sugar levels, lowering the chances for obesity and
chronic diseases. Moreover, they regulate bowel movements.
Anxiety takes place after you stop
eating carbs because carbs are known to increase the brain’s levels of the
neurotransmitter serotonin. Thus, when a person stops eating healthy carbs like
whole grains, his/her mental health experiences the change.
Source: The Health Guide