Diseases related with the
digestive system are the most common health issues that are growing rapidly in
this modern life. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), damaged gut and chronic
constipation are the consequences of this situation.
Colon is playing crucial role
for elimination of toxins and waste from the body so this is the reason why we
should take good care of it.
You have to cleanse the toxins
in the organism where the body will operate smoothly, which makes a huge
difference for our health. The most interesting thing is that you can make your
own colon cleanser right at home and you do not have to see your doctor.

Today we will present you 100%
natural remedy contained of only four powerful ingredients. This amazing recipe
will flush out the waste and toxins from your body in very short period of
You may have to stay home
during this process because you will be visiting the toilet frequently.
Sea salt, apple, ginger and
lemon are the ingredients consisted in this potion. The large amounts of nutrients
found in them will also improve your overall health.
Sea Salt ultimately improves
digestion and removes waste and toxins through the body.
Ginger stimulates the colon,
reduces bloating and keeps it free from harmful toxins and waste.
Lemon is one of the most
powerful detox tools, rich in powerful antioxidants and Vitamin C.
Do not forget that you have to
consume at least 8 glasses of water during this treatment. From the morning
till mid-afternoon is the best time to consume the water. Do not try this method
if you are pregnant or suffer from diabetes or allergies.
- ½ cup warm water
- ½ tsp sea salt
- 1 tsp ginger juice
- 2 tbsp fresh lemon juice
- ½ cup 100% apple juice
These amounts are equal to 1
Warm up 3.5 oz of filtered
water, pour it into a glass, add the seal sat in it and mix well. Add the fresh
lemon juice, ginger juice and apple juice and mix it again.
Perform this procedure for 7
days. You will completely flush out the waste and toxins from your precious
body. This magic potion will also burn the excess fat in your body and improve
your overall health.