*Eleditor’s note:
Astrology isn’t a religion. We’re not sure it’s a science, either. It’s magic,
maybe. But, as with feng shui, say, things affect things. So as long as we
don’t go blaming our problems on the stars, as long as we assume responsibility
for our own actions…well, hell, a little auspicious coincidence and applicable
wisdom can’t hurt. And so, with that grain of salt…enjoy!

A black moon occurs when there
are two new moons within the same month.
It is a rare celestial event that only happens approximately once
ever 32 months.
There is a New Moon at the start of each new lunar cycle and the time between one New
Moon and another is approximately 29.53 days. This period is known as a synodic
month. The term “synodic” is derived from the Greek word sunodikos, which translates to ‘meeting the sun,’ as the sun and the moon
‘meet’ at a New Moon.
On September 30th 2016 the New Moon will peak in Libra for
those on the Western Hemisphere, and for the Eastern Hemisphere
the new moon will occur in the early hours of October 1st.
The Black New Moon brings with it a mysterious dark impression due
to it being in the shade, however, it is a highly positive
influence that will draw out our intuitive, perceptive qualities as well
as encouraging us to bravely embrace our weaknesses and unlock our strengths.
September has been a month of releasing and letting go and this
New Moon’s energy is going to be giving us that final push in the right
direction so that we have the courage, confidence and willpower to sever ties
with anything that has been causing us difficulties or to struggle with
unnecessary and prolonged emotional pain.
October is the beginning of a brand new, dynamic, energetic cycle
and one that will steer us away from the negativity that has been cluttering up
our lives and redirect us onto a clear, open and intriguingly fruitful pathway.
If we set our mindset so that we are grounded and rooted in the
present moment, we will feel the gentle push of the New Moon’s strong universal
energy as it guides us on our way. This energy will feel as though the
wind is subtly blowing through us encouraging us to keep moving forward and to
uncurl our fingers from any toxicity, so that we no longer attempt to
frantically cling to anything that has burned and scarred us in the past.
The Black New Moon is connected to many Goddesses, and it is
particularly linked to the hypnotic and magnificent Goddess
Lilith. Lilith is associated with sexual energy, creativity,
rebellion, and feminine power. She is a symbol of divine matriarchal energy
that refuses to be dominated or controlled.
Although Lilith has often been depicted as a demon with dark
traits, this is not a true representation and she was only turned away from
paradise, according to Hebrew legends, as she stood firm in her belief in
equality, refusing to be submissive and offer her body as a sexual gift to
Adam solely for his pleasure. To replace Lilith, Adam was given Eve who was
willing to obey him and, unlike Lilith, she was subservient and played the role
of a dutiful wife.
Lilith is a fine inspirational example of a female that seeks to
be treated fairly and is not afraid to stand up for what she believes in—even
if it means she is cast out, ostracized and isolated. Her mission is to promote
equality, fairness, courage and most of all liberation from patriarchy at any cost,
both to align with her own morals and sanity as well as for the evolution
of all living beings.
As Lilith was cast from the Garden of Eden, her presence makes us
aware of the wounds we have previously received due to rejection, abandonment
or neglect of any form, so that we understand that when someone turns us away
it is not a reflection of who we are as a person. Often this happens because
the person who turns us away feels emotionally uncomfortable in some way, or we
have challenged them to open up and accept that not everyone is going to
conform to whatever their expectations may desire.
Lilith was punished and rejected simply for being her true
authentic self and her influence over these matters entices us to let go of the
worries we have about what other people think about us and it also encourages
us not to take cruel and needless criticisms straight to the heart. Being
ourselves is never something we should feel ashamed of; we are unique
beings, and we should not be made to feel unworthy just because others do
not see our light, rarity and value.
This New Moon phase will show us that if we have been judged
harshly or if we don’t slot neatly into the folds of society’s expectations,
then it is okay to carve out our own route, in our own way—and to know that as
long as our morals and intentions are mindful, balanced and heart-centered we
can rise like a phoenix and leave behind the ashes of resentment, frustration
or anger that we may have once felt.
The significance of this New Moon and Lilith’s association with it
is that she is fiercely independent, decisive, determined and she does not
suffer fools. Lilith’s energy is here to support us as we gracefully say
goodbye to anyone or anything that wasn’t meant for us and we also release
the pain and tension that has built up through attempting to hold on
for far too long.
Unfortunately, we can form unhealthy habits when we pine and
obsess over what we can’t have or when we wish things were different to how
they actually are. This can mean we prolong our grief, anguish and suffering
due to projecting our desires on to people or trying to grasp tightly to
what has already passed us by.
When we purge ourselves of the agonising, deep-rooted emotions
that are buried within us we will feel ourselves embark on a transformational
healing journey. We will immediately start to feel lighter, freer, at one with
ourselves and with a profound sense of inner peace.
On the Black New Moon Lilith illuminates our shadow side including
our incessant yearnings, desires and temptations—as well as the intense, raw,
unpleasant emotions that have been simmering away in our unconscious mind. The
insights we will be receiving are a blessing and all of these things swirling
in the undercurrent are being unearthed so that we can acknowledge,
process and understand our emotions fully before we cleanse and lovingly
release them from our psyche.
The main impact that Lilith will have on us during these next few
days is within our relationships as she harmonizes and helps us to bring them
into balance, assisting us with sieving out any that have consistently been
pulling as under. This gives us the space to create, or to focus our undivided
attention on, nourishing intimate soul-to-soul harmonious connections that
bring with them the highest levels of bonding, trust, closeness and
togetherness, as they are immersed in unconditional love while being entirely
devoid of illusions and codependence.
We will notice an internal shift happening as we are no longer
willing to try our hardest to please and pander to those who do not treat us
respectfully or with kindness, and we will place our self-worth in a sacred
place of importance where it deserves to permanently sit.
Lilith is often pictured with an apple in her hand as in the
Garden of Eden she turned herself into a serpent to tempt Eve into eating the
apple, as it was the fruit of all knowledge. Lilith’s intention was one of
sisterhood, not of vengeance, as she hoped that by eating the fruit Eve would
gain the ability to see Adam with clarity and become wiser, more aware and
empowered in her femininity so that she would not compromise herself solely to
please him.
During this New Moon period Lilith will be offering us the essence
of the same fascinating energy of this forbidden fruit so that, like her, we
also have the insight, knowledge and courage required to see our
situations clearly and break free from any harmful, outdated cultural demands
and unfair projections.
We are being called to take the lead in our lives and to own our
beauty, sexuality and sensuality without feeling as though it is something we
have been gifted purely to pleasure and satisfy the needs of the
opposite sex. This applies to both males and females. This is our
time to accept our selves in our full glory and to bite and taste the delicious
fruit of life without feeling guilt, fear or remorse.
We will start to notice a new wave of confidence and inner
strength that will empower us to step into our wholeness and live our lives to
the full while understanding that every experience we have holds significant
importance and that it is absolutely okay to make a variety of mistakes as
we wander—as we will always learn vital soul expanding lessons
through them.
Although we aren’t likely to see this Black New Moon in the sky on
Friday, it will still be elegantly gracing us with its presence, so
if we head out into the night we will be rewarded with a rare
opportunity to absorb an abundant flow of radiant, powerful
waves of immensely positive, transformational energy.
On Friday 30th the sky will be darker than
normal making it the perfect time for stargazing as the stars will appear far
brighter on this night due to the absence of the moon’s glow.