A foreigner died in
Thailand after eating a lot of durian and drank Coke. Learn why this fruit is
deadly when combined with a cola. There have been various reports
regarding the fruit Durian can be deadly when consumed with cola, alcohol,
coffee or milk.
A man named
Kim-Siang Ng reported that a 28-year-old Chinese tourist visiting Thailand died
because of excessive intake of Durian then drank a Coke in-can.
He labeled this
combination as “cobra poison” and warned people to not drink cola right after
eating durian. He also said that Thailand also released a warning to not drink
cola or anything with high caffeine content within 8 hours if you eat durian

According to the
source, Chinese guy suffered from caffeine intoxication caused by the surge in
blood pressure that led to his sudden cardiac death.
One study conducted
in the University of Tsukuba by John Maninang and Hiroshi Gemma showed that
this deadly combination is possible. Durian fruit has a high sulphur content
that impairs alcohol breakdown that can shutdown the activity of an enzyme that
helps to clear toxic products in the body (aldehyde dehydrogenase) by up to
By that study, it
tells that toxic materials failed to be cleaned due to the enzyme to not work
properly due to the high sulphur content of durian.
Source : The Magicof Life