Wednesday, October 5, 2016

11:11 PM
Eating a healthy diet and living in a healthy environment is crucial for your health. People have recently started understanding the dangers of toxic cleaning products and dryer sheets and are avoiding putting them in their home, but rarely anyone is aware of the dangers that lurk in our bedroom, where we spend almost a third of our lives.

Make your bedroom cancer-free
Making your bedroom clean and cancer-free is tough and expensive, so you might want to start with the smaller things first. Decide on your own – some people start with the mattresses, while others begin with the bedding. Whatever you pick, here are 12 cancer-causing things you need to remove from your bedroom:
1.      Replace your pillows and pillow cases with organic materials
Generally, people think that pillows and pillow cases are safer than synthetics, but 25% of the world’s insecticides as well as 14% of its pesticides end up on cotton and contaminate it. If you can, replace your pillows and pillow cases with safer organic alternatives.
2.                 Replace or remove all artificial fabrics from your bedding, bedroom, and closet
Synthetics are made from thermoplastics, compounds which release plastic molecules at high temperatures. Try to replace your wrinkle-free clothes with organic materials as they release harmful compounds known as formaldehydes that can damage your health.
3.                 Replace or remove artificial clothes in your closet
Most synthetics are gas, coal or liquid based. The gas is spread through a nozzle (spinneret) which is cooled immediately after it emerges and forms tiny threads that are woven to create fabric. To increase durability, Teflon is added on top. Synthetic clothes are very dangerous over time, so try replacing them with organic materials.
4.                 Remove faux furniture
If you have faux leather furniture in your bedroom, you should replace it with organic materials as fake leather contains PVC (polyvinyl chloride), the most dangerous fabric. PVC is made more flexible with the use of phthalates that can disrupt your endocrine system, and pillows and cushions are sprayed with toxic chemicals that can result in serious health problems.
5.                 Remove particle boards and MDF
Furniture that contains MDF is very dangerous. The material is made from softened and powdered shredded wood combined with resin and bonding agents compacted into solid boards. MDF also contains formaldehyde that can harm your respiratory system.
Particle boards are also full of formaldehyde which has been linked to different types of cancer. How Stuff Works says that they reduce their toxicity by 25% in 2 months and 50% in a year, and from there, they release toxic materials for the next 10 years! Instead of MDF furniture or particle boards, try finding solid wood, glass or metal tables and desks.
6.                 Remove your rugs
Rugs look great in the bedroom, but they trap dust, dust mites and allergens which can be the source of many problems. The rugs are usually made from polyester and antimony which can be fatal. Rugs have also been found to contain olefin and nylon.
7.                 Use no-VOC paint
Whenever you’re painting your home, use nonvolatile organic compounds paint. VOCs react to other elements in the air to produce ozone which can cause many health problems.
8.                 Shoe-free zone
Always have indoor and outdoor shoes in your home to avoid letting contaminants inside. Buy a shoe tray and put it by your door to easily change your shoes.
9.                 Minimize the number of electrical devices
Electrical devices can disrupt your sleeping patterns, so make sure to avoid putting them in your bedroom.
10.             Replace or cover your mattress
Replacing your mattress can be expensive. Mattresses are usually sprayed with flame retardants and chemicals that can harm your health. If you can’t replace it, make sure to cover it with a foil barrier.
11.               Buy an air cleaner
Air cleaners are expensive, but you can get a portable one that you can move from room to room. Make sure it has HEPA filtration and that it doesn’t contain ozone.
12.             Remove chemically treated drapes and shades
Drapes and shades can trap dust and pollen, so you should replace them with organic materials. If they’re too costly, try finding someone who can sew curtains for you. You can also buy wood blinds – if you’re remodeling, buy the ones that can sit between the window glass, so you can avoid cleaning them frequently. 
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