A wedding is a celebration that we want the people closest to us to attend. These people could be your family and friends or maybe they are even people who you see at your job. In a way, the people we work with are part of our family. One woman works with a group of people very close to her and she wanted to make sure they were there for her big day and she wasn't going to let a single one of them be left out. In the end, it ended up making her big day even more beautiful.
Kinsey French teaches speech and occupational therapy to children with Down syndrome at Christian Academy’s Rock Creek campus in Louisville, Kentucky.

She has worked with her students for the past year and, naturally, has become very close with them.

1So close in fact that she wanted them all to be a part of her wedding.

“They were my first class and they’ve been my only class and so I knew I couldn’t have a special day without them."

Her students couldn’t have been happier to be in the wedding as flower girls and ring bearers.
And, of course, they held nothing back on the dance floor.

One student said his favorite part was dancing the Whip and Nae-Nae.
Another said the best part was getting to eat mashed potatoes.

"It was really special for Josh and myself just to have them a part of the day, and have them come with us and celebrate with us."

When Kinsey’s husband Josh proposed, it was actually at school in front of her students.

So it was only natural to have them in the wedding party. They’ve been there since the beginning!