Christian Spencer is the name of the photographer who immortalized the hidden colours of the black hummingbird through a simple but mysterious technique, becoming famous all over the world.
Australian, he lives in the Itatiaia National Park, between São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais, where by chance, while shooting “The dance of time ”on the nature of the forest, he saw a black hummingbird against the light, right in front of his lens. At that moment, from his wings, a real rainbow seemed to come out, which Christian shot and then inserted in the introduction of his movie, winner of 9 national and international awards.
To produce the strange phenomenon, as discovered by Christian, is the diffraction of sunlight through the wings of the hummingbird in flight, which creates rainbows on feathers.

In 2014 the photographer decided to try to repeat the feat using the camera, without using digital effects. And the same incredible effect reappeared, which led him to make a series of shots entitled "Winged Prism", which earned him numerous awards such as that of the Fundação Casa da Cultura Macedo Miranda at the Museum of modern art of Resende RJ in Brazil.
Many fans have asked Christian to be able to reproduce the images on various supports, even in the form of tattoos, but as regards the technique he used to intercept and immortalize, that magical moment, the photographer preferred not to reveal it.
Here are the beautiful photos of the black hummingbird at the exact moment when it radiates the colours of the rainbow.

Photo Credit: Christian Spencer